
3 Steps to Improve your Linkedin Network

Your network choices become a part of your identity, culture, and reputation. Connect with those who add value.

By Patrick Schoof ~~~~~~

“Welcome to LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network”. These words lead LinkedIn’s introduction. Its mission, “to connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.” This is why most of us came here, and it works well for those who understand LinkedIn, and the role it plays.

This is the reason I joined LinkedIn, and my network is important to me; therefore, my connection choices and actions begin with one thought: Add value to your network, and for your connections.

That is, connections should add to your: (a) access to interest, school, and work contacts; (b) professional industry colleagues; (c) followers and supporters; or (d) knowledge, resource, talent, and advisor/mentor pool.

And, then, consider your connections. While you do not need to focus on what everyone wants or needs, work it backward, and consider what will not make anyone successful or productive.

1) Visit profiles before accepting them. Too many connection requests come from people who have listed little information in their profile – or – are not who they claim to be or represent. Know the difference.

2) Invite connections who add value to your network. Connect with people you meet, and find people who are good resources or who inspire, motivate, teach, support, or share good content. Focus your network.

3) Remove connections who reduce the value of your network. Every now and then, fraudulent, negative, over-selling, or difficult connections make it through your door. Safeguard your connections.

Remember your purpose on LinkedIn, and add value to your network, and for your connections. Your network choices become a part of your identity, culture, and reputation. Connect with those who add value.

~Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/3-steps-improve-your-linkedin-network-patrick-schoof


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