The Kenyan government on Thursday extended the deadline for replacing the old passport with the biometric version unveiled in August 2017 to December 31, 2021. In a [...]
Four right-wing extremist groups, including the Proud Boys, have been placed on Canada’s list of terrorist organizations amid an apparent crackdown on far-right violence. [...]
The B.C. Human Rights Tribunal has ordered the province to pay compensation of almost $1 million to a former corrections officer who was targeted on the job for being Black. [...]
Former powerful Cabinet minister Simeon Nyachae has died. Nyachae passed away on Monday at Nairobi Hospital. He was 88. “He has rested after a fairly long illness. We [...]
‘Now is not the time to be flying’. In what appears to be a measure to curb non-essential travel, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says all travellers will pay more [...]
What’s on my mind? Today, January 25th marks one year since the first coronavirus case was confirmed in Canada. Canada’s patient zero was a man in his 50s who had [...]
A judge ruled on Monday that Ugandan security forces cannot detain presidential challenger Bobi Wine inside his home, rebuking authorities for holding the candidate under [...]
Gov. Gen. Julie Payette has resigned from her post following reports of a “damaging” workplace harassment investigation. “Everyone has a right to a healthy and [...]
On his first day in office, Biden issued 17 executive orders, presidential memoranda and agency directives, from directing the Covid-19 pandemic response to canceling the [...]
The resiliency, culture and heroism of Black Americans and the African Diaspora will be the central theme of a virtual event Tuesday evening that will celebrate the [...]