

Blessing God


A young man came up to me at the end of my Sunday School class and asked me some questions.  “I can understand how ‘God blesses me’, but how can I [...]

The perfect mistake


My mother’s father worked as a carpenter.  On this particular day, he was building some crates for the clothes his church was sending to orphanages in China. On his [...]

Start Over


When you’ve trusted God and walked his way When you’ve felt his hand lead you day by day But your steps now take you another way … Start over. When [...]

God is the Weaver


A missionary was traveling in the Far East when he came across a booth in a market place. It was a tapestry maker’s booth. As he walked by he saw a strange sight. A man [...]



Joy is more than a feeling; it is a deep peace, blended together with a solid hope that God has not left us. Joy is a delight in knowing there will be a better day. Can we [...]
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