
Want to make a good first impression? Start online with these 12 pointers

You will never get a second chance to make a first impression

First impression is everything. You can neither undo, nor redo. That’s what we were raised to understand. You prepared for a first impression, polished your act, practiced the encounter and hoped it paid off.

Things are different nowadays. The first meeting is hardly ever a physical one. Before you get together with someone, you will have exchanged an email, phone conversation or chatted through social media. Most of us make it a point to google a contact before a meeting, and reasonably assume they looked you up too.

Moreover, in our globalized, highly interconnected world, it is highly likely that you will do business remotely with people that you will never get to meet. This means the person you present online is all they will ever know.

So then, if your image – or the shaping of it – starts long before a face-to-face, how do you manage that online image? Here are some pointers.

  1. Take a look back

Look yourself up. Yes, google your name to see where you appear in both professional and social sites. If there are unflattering mentions or images, clean it up if possible. You might be able to delete some history by yourself while getting rid of others may require professional help.

  1. Review your privacy settings

Do you want to be private, semi-private or public? If you do not use your online profile to promote or sell a product/service, private settings will serve you well. But if you rely on people knowing about you, then that is the public persona that you must cultivate. Whatever settings you choose, make sure it aligns with your need.

  1. Be careful whom you connect with

This is especially important on social forums which require allowing the connection to access each other’s profile. If you don’t know a person well enough, don’t accept that request to connect and if you do accept, assign them to a category with restricted access to your personal information.

  1. Manage settings to approve tags

If you are to be picky about whom you connect with, set it that you approve others’ tags of you before they are published. As we get older, most people change and/or grow and you may not want that embarrassing photo from college appearing on your timeline if that’s not the kind of person you are now.

  1. Cultivate the image you want

This means being decisive and selective about what you put out there. Remember, some people’s encounter of you online may be all that they will ever see or know about you.

  1. Be careful and measured in your participation

By all means possible, avoid picking unnecessary arguments online. While this may mean holding your tongue, or fingers in this case on an issue you’re probably passionate about, it does protect your image. If there is no way to contribute productively and amicably, it may be better to altogether avoid participation in highly divisive and polarizing topics including religion and politics.

  1. Know your subject matter

If you decide to engage or comment on a topic, then don’t do so for the sake of it. Instead, first do some research, educate yourself and make sure you have the correct information to contribute on the subject matter.

8. Be respectful and fair

It is important to keep in mind that everyone is entitled to their opinion on and offline. But with the sense of freedom and anonymity the Internet provides, there will be people who will stretch this freedom. Hold your peace and exit a discussion if it takes a direction you are uncomfortable with.

  1. Be true to yourself

As much as possible, be the same person online as offline or draw a clear line between.  Would your real life friends, family members and colleagues recognize you or your comments online? If you espouse compassion, kindness and consideration for those around you, extend it to the World Wide Web.

  1. The Internet doesn’t forget

This is the cardinal rule that needs to be taught to everyone who will ever use the Internet. What you put out there lasts forever! Needless to say, apply caution with everything you post. Always remember that items may appear deleted to you but that’s not necessarily the case and they might still be found somewhere in the archives, via a screenshot or shared link.

  1. As in with real life, diversify your online activity

Change lanes sometimes and distribute time spent on the Net wisely. Mix friends and family time on social media with making valuable professional connections on platforms like LinkedIn for example. Visit YouTube for some tutorials on a particular subject you are interested in or to upgrade a job skill you haven’t used in a while.

  1. Reserve a spot for yourself in people’s mind

While most people will easily tire of a daily update on your life, “out of sight out of mind” does also apply online. Being an eternally silent observer can harm your image. It is therefore advisable to find subtle ways to every now and then remind your connections that you are still around.

As with most things, the Internet has both a good and a bad side, but its effect on your image can to a large extent depend on you. Apply common sense and also be aware that more countries and jurisdictions are instituting laws to legislate online behaviour. Take charge.

By Essie Wambui <Twitter@westesita>

~Wakenya Canada

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