Mbula Enobong funeral Service

The family of Ndeve Mutisya would like to invite you to the funeral service of Mbula Enobong, that will take place at Friscolanti Funeral Home (43 Barton Street East, Hamilton ON L8L 2V7) on Saturday November 28th, at 2.00pm.
Mbula Enobong the beloved daughter of Ndeve Mutisya (of Ottawa) passed away suddenly on Tuesday, November 17th, 2020 in Hamilton, Ontario.
Due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, a limited number of well-wishers will attend in person while the 1-hour service will be streamed live for remote attendees. You are kindly invited to participate in the service by following the livestream using a link that will be made available shortly before the service begins. To access this link, please visit: https://www.friscolanti.com/obituary/mbula-enobong starting 1.30 pm.
As you may be aware, funeral services attract significant expenses and we encourage you to continue making your contributions to Ian Gakinya ([email protected]) or directly to Ndeve ([email protected]).
We thank you for your support and look forward to your participation in the funeral service as well as your contribution.
Yours sincerely,
The Funeral Committee, Ottawa.
~Wakenya Canada