
Do you have a physical reminder of God’s faithfulness?

That stone became a symbol of God's power and faithfulness.

God's faithfulness

In December 2016, Wakenya Canada received an award of excellence from the Kenyan Community in Ontario (KCO). This was in appreciation for serving our Kenyadian Community in the field of News, Media & Entertainment.

By nature, I do not pat myself on the back after each accomplishment. I tend to move fast on to the next task. But, over the years, I’ve learned, mostly through family & friends, to pause and celebrate particular moments.

And so it was after the KCO award. I looked at the framed certificate and felt a sense of gratification – for all the volunteer hours of interviews, photography, writing, editing articles and video clips. I drifted into a human moment of thinking that I and other Wakenya Canada contributors had made it. We had got the community to notice us and thus the accolades.

But just as quickly, the self-congratulatory moment passed as I remembered that everything I do or achieve is only because of God and the grace He extends to me. God had been faithful not only in this one thing but throughout my life. From the minuscule to noticeable accomplishments, some that I could not have ever dreamed of, He has stood with me. I thought of the Bible story in 1st Samuel Chapter 7 which tells of the Israelites defeating the Philistines only because God caused it to happen.

In Particular, verse 12 says: “Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying ‘Thus far has the Lord helped us.'” Why did Samuel do this? We gather from Scripture that to the Israelites, that stone became a symbol of God’s power and faithfulness. It would serve a future purpose of reminding them of God’s deliverance.

Is God Ebenezer in your life?

In our daily life, perfunctory and routine may keep us from acknowledging God’s part in ‘little’ achievements: We attribute managing a healthy lifestyle (physically, emotionally & spiritually) entirely to self-discipline; we solely accept applause for passing a test; credit promotion at work to long hours & dedication. We look at our degrees and diplomas as resulting purely from hard work and brain smarts. In an unpredictable world, we thank our physical appearance or luck for finding that perfect-for-me spouse.

But that’s not how it should be. As Christians and as we get on with the new year, I urge that we not forget the source. The facilitator, the behind the scenes master organizer, the God whose faithfulness has brought us this far. Examine your life and look around you. Have you erected any reminders of God’s faithfulness? I’ve added the Wakenya Canada award to the reminders that I occasionally revisit during moments of weariness or thankfulness.

What are your physical reminders of God’s faithfulness? Is it a diploma, a text message from a friend, a sticky post of a bible verse or quote that encouraged or challenged you, or is it a photograph that captured a memorable moment? I’ve written and recorded a song on God’s “Unchanging Faithfulness” which redirects me in moments of doubt. Whatever your reminder is, I entreat you keep it close, not only as a reminder of how faithful God has been to you, but also for reference in moments when you may be discouraged and need to know that just as God was faithful in the past, He’ll be faithful to you in the future.

*Ebenezer = Stone of Help.

By Essie Wambui <Twitter@westesita>

~ Wakenya Canada

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