Stay home whenever you can Wash your hands with soap and water Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth Clean and disinfect regularly touched surfaces Cover coughs and [...]
7 tips to combat COVID-19 that everyone should be talking about Info sheet by COVID-19 Health Literacy Project & Harvard Health Publishing ~Wakenya [...]
Why is school closed?Why can’t I visit or hug my grandparents and friends?What if I am worried about me or my family getting sick?What can I do to be a germbuster? Info [...]
What is COVID-19?How does COVID-19 spread?Can I get COVID-19?How is COVID-19 different from the flu?How can I protect myself and others?What are the symptoms?How is COVID-19 [...]
My name is Brenda Namulindwa and I have been a Registered Nurse for more than 6 years. I’m also a financial planner/educator. I embarked on this journey as a financial [...]
There is a raft of language around the coronavirus pandemic, which reflects new situations that require a whole different everyday vocabulary. Beware of confusion, however [...]
The risk of the coronavirus outbreak’s global spread and impact is at its highest possible level, the World Health Organisation (WHO) says. The level has been raised to [...]