Invite: Global Virtual Queens Night

Owing to the current worldwide situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, Queens Ministry International has opted to hold a Global Virtual Queens Night, bringing together queens from across the world. The meeting will be held via Zoom on August 22, 2020 at 07:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (US and Canada).
Visit this link to register, and also invite your family and friends to register. You must register in order to receive the meeting link. Spaces are limited so act fast to secure a spot.
Depending on your local governmental and/or public health guidelines, queens are encouraged to meet with other queens (friends & family) within their bubble – to dress up, share a meal together – and attend the virtual Queens Night.
This is one of a kind meeting that will bring together voices from various continents, and every queen should purpose to have this date night with the King of Kings Jesus Christ. Don’t miss this life-changing hours where destinies are shaped, lives empowered, potential unlocked and spiritual revival happens.
The Vision of Queens Ministry is to see a restored and empowered woman of destiny in her rightful purpose as a queen. Our Mission is to rebuild and reconnect a woman to their Kingdom mandate through holistic empowerment in all righteousness.
~Wakenya Canada